
Database of the digitized map collections
map collections outside the Czech Republic

Maps. The National Archives of Estonia

Name of the digital map collection: Register of the maps of the National Archives of Estonia
Web address of digitized cartographic documents: http://www.ra.ee/kaardid/index.php/en
National identifier of the collection (if available):
The main thematic content/s of the collection: cadastral maps from 17th to 20th century
The collection departmental code: HISTORY


Address: Tartu, Nooruse Street 3
Name of contact person: MSc. Kadri Tooming
Phone to contact person:
Contact person's email kadri.tooming@ra.ee

Information about the collection

The most important printed publications about the map collection:

Other important information about the collection: National Archives of Estonia publishes maps online, before the digitizing of maps the maps were published as part of research by archives´users not as pure map publications.

The physical fund of the collection

The total size of the physical fund (also not processed): 150.000
The number of processed units in the electronic catalogue: 148.400
The number of physical units of old cartographic materials: 8.500
The typology of old cartographic materials: old maps; manuscript maps; old atlases;
Expected final processing of the collection: All is processed

The digital fund of the map collection

The total number of individual digitized images (also unpublished): 53.753
Of this number is already published: 53.753
The collection is published: on-line;
The number of files in the databases of images (i.e. voluminous maps or atlases, so more objects joined in one):
The number of accessible 3D objects (globes, models, etc.): 0

Descriptive metadata

Library or archive programs used for cataloging: others;
Standards used for metadata descriptions: others;
Rules used to create metadata:
Methodologies used for the description:
Indexing by: chronological entries; geographical entries;
Are the before mentioned selection terms exported into metadata? yes
Additional information on the method and scope of the description: Each map sheet is described separately. Online platform and database is developed by Digital Archives of National Archives of Estonia. rchival descriptions in general base on ISAD(G) standard, additional fields are added for maps. Geographical descriptions are connected with Google Maps and represented on map with two (diagonaly) points that form an approximate square of the location.

Services offered with digitized maps

Georeferencing (ground controlling) of maps: No
Map selection from map layouts: No
Search by map markers: No
Reading old fonts in the OCR: No
Full text search from legends: No
Digitization of maps on request: Yes
Other services: Archival descriptions are all exported to Archives Portal Europe (https://www.archivesportaleurope.net/) but only on file level, it is not possible to search within maps titles or creators. Users of data: universities, Academy of science, Science institutes, publishing houses, documents, public Providing of educational and promotional materials: Archival educators develop archival lessons that can also include maps, we also prepare exhibitions where maps can be used. Also we have used maps

Aggregation into higher units

Digitalized cartographic documents are eported into superior aggregates: Archives Portal Europe;

Last data update 01/08/2023 13:21:36 by the user kloudova