Database of the digitized map collections
of the Czech Republic
Accessible methodologies for processing and making accessible cartographic works
(alphabetical order by names of authors) AMBROŽOVÁ, Klára, TALICH, Milan a Ondřej BÖHM. Metodika digitalizace globů. [Zdiby]: Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography, 2013. 20 p. Accessible at: The presented methodology includes procedures that can be used to convert globes into digital form and make them accessible online to the public after observing all the cartographic principles. AMBROŽOVÁ, Klára, HAVRLANT, Jan, BÖHM, Ondřej a Milan TALICH. Metodika zpřístupnění digitalizovaných glóbů webovou mapovou službou. [Zdiby]: Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography 2015. 14 p. Accessible at: This methodology should serve as a manual for the creation of digital image of old globes in the form of georeferenced map at high quality. BÖHM, Ondřej, ANTOŠ, Filip, AMBROŽOVÁ, Klára, HAVRLANT, Jan a Milan TALICH. Metodika digitalizace a zpřístupnění starých atlasů. [Zdiby]: Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography, 2015. 13 p. Accessible at: This methodology presents a way to efficiently digitized old atlases and make them accessible on the Internet. BRŮHA, Lukáš. Certifikovaná metodika pro tvorbu metadat kartografických dokumentů. Prague: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, 2014. 38 p. Accessible at: This methodology describes the relation between metadata standards from two different fields – librarianship and geographic information science. HAVRLANT, Jan, AMBROŽOVÁ, Klára, TALICH, Milan a Ondřej BÖHM. Metodika georeferencování glóbů. [Zdiby]: Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography, 2014. 25 p. Accessible at: This methodology deals with the procedure of creating georeferenced digital image of old globes at high quality, suitable for detailed study. HAVRLANT, Jan, AMBROŽOVÁ, Klára, ANTOŠ, Filip, BÖHM, Ondřej a Milan TALICH. Metodika zobrazení digitalizovaných map v 3D modelu. [Zdiby]: Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography, 2015. 22 p. Accessible at: The aim of the methodology is to provide a guidance of how to make them accessible in georeferenced form using 3D models on the Internet. HAVRLANT, Jan, AMBROŽOVÁ, Klára, BÖHM, Ondřej a Milan TALICH. Metodika tvorby 3D modelu glóbů z poledníkových pásů. [Zdiby]: Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography, 2015. 21 p. Accessible at: This methodology is a manual for the creation of 3D models of globes from longitude zones and for making them accessible, for example in Google Earth application. KOTERA, Jan a Milan TALICH. Metodika vyhledávání mapových značek na digitalizovaných starých mapách. Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography, 2013. 16 p. Accessible at: The aim of the methodology is to describe algorithm created for automatic search of point map symbols on digitized old maps. NOVOTNÁ, Eva. Certifikovaná metodika pro katalogizaci kartografických dokumentů podle RDA. Prague: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, 2014. 79 p. Accessible at: This methodology presents new instructions and procedures for cataloguing of cartographic materials under the new cataloguing rules Resource Description and Access (RDA). NOVOTNÁ, Eva. Certifikovaná metodika pro katalogizaci starých kartografických tisků a rukopisu podle RDA v MARC21. Prague: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science 2014. 111 p. Accessible at: The methodology presents new instructions and procedures for descriptive cataloguing of old cartographic prints ( maps, plans, atlases and globes) and manuscripts under the new cataloguing rules Resource Description and Access (RDA). STACHOŇ, Zdeněk a Milan KONEČNÝ. Certifikovaná metodika pro katalogizaci objektů zobrazených na kartografických dílech. Brno: Masaryk University, Institute of Geography, 2014. 47 p. Accessible at: This methodology is primarily focused on cataloguing of objects occurring on old maps (i. e. old prints to 1850), but it is possible to apply it more broadly to the whole cartographic production. The term object can be perceived as synonym of the term element occurring in the plot of the map content. STACHOŇ, Zdeněk, KOZEL, Jiří a Jan RUSSNÁK. Certifikovaná metodika pro tvorbu metadat pro indexy mapových děl. Brno: Masaryk University, Institute of Geography, 2014. 46 p. Accessible at: This methodology aims to determine required metadata pertaining to the given index of the map work for the purpose of their further use in the process of cataloguing primarily old maps. TALICH, Milan, SOUKUP, Lubomír, HAVRLANT, Jan, AMBROŽOVÁ, Klára, BÖHM, Ondřej a Filip ANTOŠ. Metodika georeferencování map III. vojenského mapování. [Zdiby]: Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography, 2013. 37 p. Accessible at: The aim of the methodology for georeferencing raster images of maps of the 3rd military mapping of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire (1876-1880) is to make them accessible to professional public in the form of web map services (Web Map Services, WMS). WANNER, Michal. Základní pravidla pro zpracování archiválií. Druhé, opravené a rozšířené vydání. Prague: Archiving Administration and Filing Service Department, 2015. ISBN 978-80-86466-78-1. Accessible at : ŽABIČKA, Petr. Metodika pro on-line zpřístupňování starých map a dalších grafických dokumentů pro paměťové instituce. [Brno]: Moravian library, 2011. 38 p. Accessible at: One of the ways how these, often unique, valuable and both for lay and professional public attractive documents, make accessible, is their digitization and online accessibility. Presented methodology includes recommendations and procedures that make these documents accessible in user attractive way at the lowest costs and keep the possibility to continue in professional work with the accessed electronic documents. |